Giorgia Danesi is a veterinarian specialising in holistic disciplines. After graduating, Giorgia undertook several experiences abroad, in Canada and Switzerland, perfecting her career in buiatrics – i.e. the care of cattle. Back in Italy, she began to collaborate with many farms, dealing with large animals in different sectors.

«This job allows me to be outdoors every day, in close contact with animals and their needs».

In 2018, following a painful personal event, she approached the practice of meditation, spiritual medicine and the Japanese holistic discipline of Reiki. The study of these disciplines allows Giorgia to mature a deeper and not exclusively “medical” idea of healing. Following this personal intuition, she decided to revolutionise her approach, integrating the different perspectives of healing, wellness and personal growth that she herself had experienced.

«The more I looked inside myself, the more I felt that a new vision of healing was possible. The anthropocentric approach had to be overcome»

This is how The Touch was born. A new way, which aims to overcome the current tension between classical and holistic medicine. A form of healing that embraces humans and animals, within a path founded on awareness and mutual understanding.